One to One Beauty Advisor

Your own personal one to one beauty advisor to help you create your best you yet!

What does this mean for you? 

All the latest scientific research of actually tried and true beauty tools that work. Imagine:

  • having skincare routines that are based on your skin and science?
  • learning how to make custom skincare for your skin’s needs.

Learn all about your skin from a professional skin expert who has been in the industry and taught models and aestheticians in the field for years.

Learn what collagen actually is and how it works. 

If you are ready to embark on this journey with me, contact me so we can start working together today! 

Investment – $1800 – $2200

Joyful Child Parenting

Are you ready to learn how to bring more joy into your child’s life?

The joyful child depends on the heart, head, and hand connection. The child as a whole being is a holistic approach to parenting. Allowing your child to express their needs and wants in a healthy way by choosing to align with your own inner child to bring the awareness into your heart connection so as to speak to your child in a manner they receive. 

The joyful child is a free-thinking & centered child that is allowed to grow up in a household where there is joyful and loving communication and expression. 

Joyful child parenting is all about learning to confidently and effectively communicate with your child and cooperatively play in a safe and nurturing setting. The child is allowed to scream it out when needed and taught that healthy emotions are good to express when needed but ultimately we learn other ways to release as well like journaling, exercise, role reversal, and more. 

Understanding that parenting is also connected to how we were taught and for many of us, includes child traumas, these must be cleared in the parent as well as the child. 

Understanding a child’s learning process affects every aspect of their being including their health. What type of learning is best for your child is of utmost importance. 

Investment for 1-1 work for both parent and child – $1500 

 If additional assistance is required, the fee will be based on time spent, etc.

Beauty Boot Camp 

Radical beauty makeover mayhem! 

How would you like to reverse the clock by completely rejuvenating your insides? 

Did you know that making some changes in how you sleep, breathe, exercise, think, eat, and drink can have profound changes in your physical health as well as your skin, hair, and nails? 

In this amazingly fun boot camp, I show you how to do just that! 

You’re taught 

  • How each food affects your health and overall wellness
  • powerful breathwork that actually changes your DNA 
  • exercises that reverse the sag! 
  • why proper hydration is one of the keys to getting that youthful glow back

And so much more! Let’s get the party started because I can’t wait to work with you! 

Boot camp investment $1900

Raw Food Coaching

How would you like to radically transform your health?

Imagine being fitter and healthier than you ever thought possible? Or even having lots more energy, making you feel like you literally you’ve been given more hours in a day? 

If you answered yes to the above and raw nutrition coaching is something you’d like to know more about, then continue reading.

What is raw food all about?

It’s about thriving, feeling energized, and younger! It’s about empowerment instead of dependence. It’s about learning how to eat properly combined raw food meals that optimize the digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

I help you learn why your current lifestyle is no longer serving you and teach you how to effectively remove all the foods that typically not only make you sick but also zap your energy and fitness levels. 

Eating 100% raw is a personal choice and one you may decide fits your overall needs perfectly. It isn’t necessary to be 100% raw to reap in all the amazing benefits. The most important aspect of this coaching is learning how to eat correctly and massively improving your health and happiness as a result.

Investment in you $2500

Living Foods Mentor

Do you have health challenges?
Our bodies get loaded down with metals and toxin overload and when this happens, our bodies start to break down unable to handle the overload and instead of the body filtering them out properly, they get pumped back into the system creating inflammation overload, toxic build up in the blood, kidneys, colon, lungs, skin, and liver and this creates disease.

A living food lifestyle along with supplements, juicing, breathing techniques, rebuilding the blood, and oxygenating the body can rehabilitate and regenerate the whole system.

This is a powerful healing system that will change your life!

1-1 with a living foods expert with expertise spanning more than 25 years!

Investment in you $850 – $2000 (based on time spent)

Advanced Wellness Coaching 1-1

I assist you in taking  stock of your lifestyle and making choices that lead to a healthier outcome. 

Through a holistic, natural approach that centers on a mind-body connection, I will help establish routines that encourage you to relax, eat better, and eliminate bad habits. Eating healthy and Eliminating bad habits helps us to stave off disease and live more productive and fulfilling lives.  

Transform your life today! Call to book a session with me

Investment per session starts at $350 an hour